Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Resipi Fluffy Pancake

Assalamualaikum w.r.t,

Oleh kerana ada permintaan daripada kengkawan, maka berikut ialah resipi Fluffy Pancake. Actually resipi asal ialah daripada http://www.malaysiabest.net/2008/11/26/recipe-for-fluffy-pancakes/. Tapi untuk memudahkan kengkawan, angah copy paste dan olahkan sikit resipinya...

Fluffy Pancake


1) Flour – 1 cup

2) Baking powder – 2 teaspoon (you can replace with 1 tsp yeast or double action baking powder)

3) Bicarbonate of soda – a pinch

4) salt – a pinch

5) sugar – 2 tablespoons (I use blended sugar)

6) egg -grade A

7) milk- a cup or 200ml

8) 1 tbsp veg. oil

9) 1 tsp vanilla essence


1) Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Make a well.

2) Add in:

One egg – beat

Milk – (You can replace with soy milk)

Vegetable oil

Vanilla essence

3) Mix or whisk the batter until there are no lumps. Leave to stand for 30 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface.

4) Use a non-stick pan and fry. Do not use any oil.

5) Pour a huge tablespoon and leave for a while until bubbles burst and form tiny holes. Flip over and brown the other side.

6) Serve pancakes with a dollop of butter and maple syrup (I serve with honey or vanilla ice-cream...)

SELAMAT MENCUBA!!! Jangan lupa bagitahu hasilnya pada angah...

6th InternationalConference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL-2010

Dear Colleague,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL-2010, which will be held in Paris, France, from 05-07 JULY, 2010.

The conference will deal with topics related to Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer,
Microstructure and Properties, Nanodiffusion and Nanostructured Materials.

DSL2010 promises to be an exciting meeting, both scientifically and culturally,
and we look forward to meeting you in Paris for truly rewarding days!

RENDEZ- VOUS a PARIS! (See you in Paris!)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oechsner (Chair)

PS: Please forward this email to your contact list. Thanks!


Prof. A. Oechsner (chair)
Technical University of Malaysia - UTM,Malaysia

Prof. G. Murch (co-chair)
The University of Newcastle,

Prof. A. Shokuhfar (co-chair)
K.N. Toosi University of Technology,Iran

Prof. J. Delgado (co-chair)
University of Porto,

Prof. M.E.R. Shanahan
(Head of Local Committee)
University of Bordeaux,

Young Scientist Awards Sponsored by SPRINGER

Hotel Concorde La Fayette (with a fabulous view over Paris) ideally located between La Defense and the Champs Elysees, the hotel offers 954 rooms and ideal facilities to host DSL2010 (direct access by Metro and RER train).

Special Rates for DSL2010 Participants,more info will be announced soon ( www.dsl2010-paris.com)

Major topics:
- Mass TransfeR
- Heat Transfer
- Microstructure and Properties
- Nanodiffusion AND Nanostructured Materials


THE JOURNAL OF NANO RESEARCH, (Selected Papers) by Trans Tech. Publications /

JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA, (Selected Papers) by Begell House Publications /


contributions will be selected for a monograph on "ACTIVE BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE
ENGINEERING" by Springer (Germany)

Plenary Talks:
Professor Jean Philibert (France)
(DSL2010 Honorary Chairman)

Professor Stan Veprek(Germany )
The Search for Super- and Ultrahard Materials:Go Nano!

Professor Yvan Houbaert (Belgium)
Challenges of Microstructural Control of Steel through Diffusion Processes


Submission via e-mail:
Online submission:

Contact us!
DSL-2010 Secretariat and Management:
Ironix Global Events Consulting Lda

2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS2 2010)

The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS2 2010)
30 Nov - 3 Dec 2009, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dear Professors/Colleagues,

In conjunction with the celebration of 40 years of mathematical sciences at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), it is with great pleasure for the School of Mathematical Sciences, UKM in collaboration with the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (PERSAMA) and the Alba Iulia University of Romania, to present the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, ICMS2 2010, to further bridge as well as nurture the understanding and collaboration amongst the regional and global mathematical scientists and practitioners.

ICMS2 2010 will be held at the Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2010.

As in ICMS 2007, the focus areas are the theory and applications of mathematical sciences in engineering, medical, biotechnology, insurance, finance and other related areas.

We cordially invite academicians, researchers, scientists and interested parties to contribute papers and join this event. Come and celebrate 40 years of mathematical sciences at UKM.


Abstract Deadline 31 May 2010
Conference Registration 1 September 2010 (Early birds)
Full Paper Deadline 15 September 2010


Non-student RM 800* RM 900 USD350* USD400
Student RM 450* RM 500 USD250* USD300
*Rates for Early birds

Templates for abstract and paper at: http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~ppsmfst/jqma/.
Revised and extended version of selected papers will be published in the
Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis (JQMA).
Language: English or Malay.

For the latest information on ICMS2 2010 (Call for Papers, fees, format, on line
submission, travel information, etc.), please visit the conference website at


Please kindly forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues and we look
forward to seeing you in Kuala Lumpur during ICMS2 2010.

Kind regards,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaidi Isa
Chairman, ICMS2 2010

School of Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Selangor D.E.
Tel: +603-8921 5713/5714
Fax: +603-8925 4519
E-mail: icms2010@gmail.com

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (JMET)

Assalammualikum and Greeting to all.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) is pleased to announce a Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (JMET) (ISSN No 2180-1053) that aims to provide an excellent opportunity for research scholars to meet, exchange views and develop idea for interdisciplinary collaboration through this publication. Furthermore, the publication will be a platform for developing knowledge in energy, automotive, thermal-fluids, structure & material, design & innovation, plant & maintainance and vibration & control. It also provides opportunities for FKM staff and for individuals ofdiversified discipline which are engioneers, scientists and academicians to present innovative ideas and experiences to better understanding.

The proposed theme of this journal are:
1. Energy Engineering
2. Automotive Engineering
3. Thermal-Fluids
4. Structure and Material Engineering
5. Design and Innovation
6. Plant and Maintainance Engineering
7. Vibration and Control Engineering

All submitted paper must be original written in English. Acceptance paper will be published in a book of jurnal

Important dates:
Paper submission deadline : 31st March 2010
Notification of acceptance : 30th April 2010
Journal Publication : 15th June 2010

Free of charge

Submission procedure
Submit your paper via electronic email at azli@utem.edu.my
Thank you.

Mohd Azli Bin Salim
Chairman of Publication Committee
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fluffy Pancake

Assalamualaikum w.r.t,

Maaflah sebab dah lama tak update blog. Maklumlah, aku dah mula belajar balik dan urusan perpindahan menyebabkan pemasangan internet memakan sedikit masa. Syukurlah...akhirnya hari nie dapatlah aku online dari rumah dan tak perlu bergegas ke UKM untuk buat kerja. Biasalah, daripada berkongsi tentang PhD, aku lagi gemar berkongsi tentang wanita. Apa lagi kalau tidak pasal makanan...hehehe

Selain PhD, aku jugak suka bereksperimen dengan resipi. Hari nie nak kongsi salah satu menu kegemaran hubby ku...Pancake!!!

Ini pancake tanpa double action baking powder

Ini pulak pancake dengan double action baking powder


2-2 pun fluffy tapi disebabkan 2x action baking powder ada tepung jagung, jadik ada sedikit2 bau jagung...Best..

Warnapun ada sedikit berbezakan???

Sesapa yang inginkan resipi nie bolehla request...maklumlah kalu tak de yang berminat malaslah nak taip panjang2...hahaha

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Call for Papers!!! Cepat2... Jangan Terlambat!

Sila visit website2 berikut untuk keterangan lanjut:

1) http://www.iaeng.org/WCE2010/ICME2010.html

2) http://www.ijens.org/cfp.pdf

Ini adalah antara invitation yang baru aku terima...Rasanya ada lagi dalam email, kena selongkar dulu..

Sebagai bakal pendidik, kenalah rajin-rajinkan diri menulis kerana dengan cara ini lah saje kita dapat berkongsi-kongsi pengetahuan dan bertukar-tukar pendapat dengan dunia...huhuhu..(international nyer!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Azam Tahun Baru

Semua orang sibuk memperkata tentang azam tahun baru. Macam mane dengan aku??? Ntahla, daripada tahun lepas lagi aku nie berazam untuk habiskan PhD dalam tahun 2010. Itu dah dikira azam tahun baru ke atau azam tahun lepas??? Yang pastinya, setakat nie azam tersebut hanya tinggal azam semata-mata. Aku masih lagi tak buat apa-apa sebagai seorang pelajar PhD. "Masih belum dapat momentum lagi untuk belajar", kataku. Banyaknyer aku hanya laksanakan tanggungjawabku sebagai seorang wanita (memasak, menguruskan keluarga dan rumah). Walaupun telah meninggalkan melaka dan berada hanya lebih kurang 10km je daripada pusat pengajian, tetapi aku masih lagi liat untuk membuka buku atau membuat kerja seangkatan dengannya. Mungkin aku nie hanya layak untuk menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa kot! Ada kalanya terasa nak ikut kata hati untuk buat kerja dan cari pendapatan kecil-kecilan dari rumah. Tak perlu penat-penat belajar dan buat kerja yang kekadang tue terasa terpaksa je untuk dibuat. Tapi bila memikirkan hutang yang semakin bertambah disebabkan pengajian aku yang dah nak masuk tahun ke-3, terus aku matikan niat tersebut. Macam tak ikhlas je belajarkan? Teruk betul aku nie!

Tapi, betul ke aku nie tak minat belajar??? Yang nyata aku suka berada dalam bidang akademik nie, cuma perkara2 yang melingkari PhD tue yang buat aku kurang gemar. Bukan PhD , tapi perkara yang melingkari kerja-kerja penyelidikan. Terutamanya yang melibatkan orang lain. Sebagai pelajar kejuruteraan, kerja-kerjaku banyak melibatkan pengumpulan data primer yang dilakukan dalam makmal. Biasalah bila sebut kerja-kerja makmal, bahan mentah dan peralatan bagi ujikaji amat terhad. Terpaksalah ikut Q dan berurusan dengan manusia-manusia yang ditugaskan untuk menjaga peralatan tersebut. Di sinilah kita akan tersua dengan pelbagai karenah manusia. Manusia yang berat hati untuk menolong orang lain jika tak diiringi dengan rewards, manusia yang biadap yang terasa diri mereka amat bagus bila kita perlukan pertolongan, manusia yang pemalas dan sengaja mencari alasan daripada membuat kerja dan macam-macam jenis manusia lagi. Tak boleh ke jika mereka menjalankan tugas dengan sejujur dan seikhlasnya. Bukankah mereka telah dibayar gaji secukupnya??? Tapi, orang-orang sebegini bukan hanya wujud dalam alam PhD ku. Yang nyata, kita tak dapat lari daripada mereka dalam kehidupan seharian...

Walaupun begitu, masih ada juga mereka-mereka yang sangat baik dan ikhlas menolong. Terutamanya 2 orang pembantu makmal yang berada di Malaysian Nuclear Agency dan beberapa orang juruteknik di tempat pengajianku juga. Semoga Allah S.W.T akan melimpahkan kurnia-Nya kepada mereka dan aku juga.