Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Resipi Fluffy Pancake

Assalamualaikum w.r.t,

Oleh kerana ada permintaan daripada kengkawan, maka berikut ialah resipi Fluffy Pancake. Actually resipi asal ialah daripada http://www.malaysiabest.net/2008/11/26/recipe-for-fluffy-pancakes/. Tapi untuk memudahkan kengkawan, angah copy paste dan olahkan sikit resipinya...

Fluffy Pancake


1) Flour – 1 cup

2) Baking powder – 2 teaspoon (you can replace with 1 tsp yeast or double action baking powder)

3) Bicarbonate of soda – a pinch

4) salt – a pinch

5) sugar – 2 tablespoons (I use blended sugar)

6) egg -grade A

7) milk- a cup or 200ml

8) 1 tbsp veg. oil

9) 1 tsp vanilla essence


1) Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Make a well.

2) Add in:

One egg – beat

Milk – (You can replace with soy milk)

Vegetable oil

Vanilla essence

3) Mix or whisk the batter until there are no lumps. Leave to stand for 30 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface.

4) Use a non-stick pan and fry. Do not use any oil.

5) Pour a huge tablespoon and leave for a while until bubbles burst and form tiny holes. Flip over and brown the other side.

6) Serve pancakes with a dollop of butter and maple syrup (I serve with honey or vanilla ice-cream...)

SELAMAT MENCUBA!!! Jangan lupa bagitahu hasilnya pada angah...


  1. terima kasih angah nnt saya cube!heheh..nampak yummy neh

  2. Sesama...ha ah setakat nie angah berpuas hatila dengan resipi nie...Tapi kalau ada apa2 modifikasi yang best, jangan lupa kongsi...

  3. Wa alaykum assalaam......
    .I can just give this answer because don't understand this language so.Ok looks nice pancake!
    r4i sdhc

  4. Dear John, I'm really sorry. Since I'm a Malay, so I prefer to use Malay language. But, if you wish to try the recipes, you are most welcome to email me personally at noraiham01@gmail.com or you can visit recommended website for every dish(as stated in my blog).
